What to Expect When You Visit…
When you walk in you will be greeted into an environment of encouragement and acceptance. It is our desire to make everyone feel at home. After meeting some new friends, simply take a seat anywhere you feel comfortable.
The goal of our worship is to praise and glorify God. You will find our style of worship to be respectful and sincere, without flashiness or stuffy formality. Worship will led by various men from the congregation, and we all join together in singing, prayer, and the Lord’s Supper. It is a time of praise, celebration, reflection, learning, encouragement, and fellowship.
Yet, we do not believe that our Sunday worship service is the only thing that makes up congregational life. Christ’s church is a group of people who love spend time with one another, even outside our Sunday services. We welcome and encourage you to participate in the Bible studies, worship services, and fellowships as you feel comfortable.
We love to sing! You are encouraged to sing along with us. We sing all of our songs ‘a cappella,’ which is without the accompaniment of musical instruments. It is our desire to both praise God and to build each other up through our worshipful singing.
We believe prayer changes people and we encourage you to join with us as we pray in our worship service. We want to pray with you and for you. If you have a special request for prayer, either put it on your guest card or simply raise your hand at the appropriate time at the end of the service.
Lord's Supper/Communion
The Lord’s Supper is included during our worship time. We observe the Lord’s Supper every week in order that we may continue to be reminded of the gospel—the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We do this weekly in keeping with the example of the ancient church. The bread symbolizes the body of Jesus on the cross and the fruit of the vine symbolizes the blood that He shed for the cleansing of our sins. If you are a baptized Christian visiting with us, please feel free to partake of the bread and grape juice, or you can just pass it to the next person.
You will hear a lesson from God’s word. These lessons are geared both to teach the Christian faith to those who need to hear the good news but also to equip us all in practical ways to live for God and serve Him daily.
We also take a collection each week to help further God’s work in our community and around the world. The collection is prayerfully distributed to the needy locally and to our mission efforts in foreign countries. If you are visiting with us we do not expect you to give, but feel free to do so if you want to. We also encourage our members to give of their time in service to God and others in all areas of life.
Not only will you find opportunity to meet new friends before and after the worship service, we invite you stay with us and share a meal together. We eat lunch together every Sunday. This fellowship meal has been vital for us over the years as we have grown in love for one another. We welcome you to stay and join us. If you have not brought any food with you, don’t worry about it! There is plenty for us all. We just want you to stay so we can get to know you better.